Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I have to admit I have a confession. I have my comfy, red flannel blanket. So yes I have a blankie alright. I affectionately call it "The Red Blanket of Love." But I'm sure that you will be jealous by the end. Some time ago my blanket was made with love by my mother. If I had to guess, it is about 14 years old. She made it for me(and others were made for my other brothers, I am just not sure who got them) a queen size dark red flannel with a dark blue bottom, or what ever it is called. I have cherished this blanket from It's creation. First because my mother made for me for the sole fact that I know that she loves me.
This gift from my mother has done more than just keep me warm. As I think back, I took it to Washington from High School. It went with me on my mission and served as my pillow for many months, even thou it took up most of my bag. It was with me when I got married. Now the love has been shared with whom I care dearly for, my children.
This morning when I got home from work, tired and sick from a cold and not from work. Feeling that cruddy feeling I pulled out my blanket and thought of my mother as you so often do when you say to yourself, "I wish my mother was here."

Mother, thank you for the blanket and being there even when you couldn't be. Your warmth has been there for me and now for my own family. love Jason


  1. Jason, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Ryan has his Blue BYU blanket that his mom made for him. He still sleeps with it every night. He claims that he can't sleep without it. Maybe it's a Millville thing? :) lol

  2. Jim used his blanket so much that your mom had to sew new flannel on the back when they came out to visit us a couple of years ago!

  3. awesome blankets of love and happiness
