Friday, June 18, 2010


After taking the new job at UPS it has been very stressful. It is as if you could touch it. Anyway, today in my excitement I came home and told Amelia joyfully "yeah it is Friday".
"Yeah daddy, uummm I don't know what Friday means". I love that kid, so I told her it means I don't have to work for a couple of days and most of all I get to sleep in, YYYYEEEEESSSSS.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


From time to time Taeya has read a book to Amelia. This book is about, well where babies come from. It is very vague but gets the job done. In this book it talks about the Uterus that keeps the baby safe while growing.
Well the other day Amelia was telling our friends that she has a special unicorn for baby's after some time and asking her what she meant. " Daddy unicorns is where babies come from". If that doesn't make you laugh I'm not sure what will.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Beat the heat

Nothing like fun in the Sun with a little water. It has been nice to have water parks, pools, and features to play in. We do literally have a pool at the end of our parking lot. It is a public pool that is very nice for kids I do not have any pictures yet of that pool. It is a naturally fed pool from under ground water. It is about 70 degrees I'd say, not sure though. That helps when it is hoovering around 100 degrees. So here is some pictures of a park with a water feature not to for from home.