Friday, February 19, 2010


I had to put this in. (Jason) Last night I was cleaning off the table and found a For Sale sign. Amelia wanted to know what it was and then wanted to spell the words. We got to the word "price".
Dad:Lets spell it out
Amelia:Okay daddy
Dad :what is the first letter
Amelia: P R I escalator it spells escalator.
Dad: Ummm, sure why not.
Love you Amelia

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Quote of the week

I must start with conversation that leads up to the quote. While at Wal-Mart at the check out stand with the girls.

Amelia: Ummm dad?

dad: Yes Amelia.

Ameila: Are we buying chocolate today?

dad: Nooo I don't think so, why?

Amelia: I think we should because chocolate is good for you a little bit each day.

Dad: You got me there.
Love you Amelia you make me laugh everyday.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel

So, the last few days of school have not been too great. I was working with a professor on a project, and I gave up most of my weekend to get data together only to have pretty much nothing of what I did actually used. Needless to say, I was pretty frustrated. This frustration led me to question why I am here and to enter in to the realm of self-pitty. Why couldn't I have an easier job to do than to leave my family, our friends, our dog, our house (really our dog's house now), and a good paying job to go back to school and feel stupid pretty much every single day. I spend most of my time studying, missing out on time with my family, and I am not really sure that the studying is getting me any further along. And my thoughts go on and on.
Then, I read this talk by Elder Perry tonight, and I realized that I really have things pretty easy. I have my husband and my girls. We have a good place to live and food to eat. We still have family and friends that support us. And, even though I feel pretty stupid, I have hope that if I keep working hard, I will be smarter tomorrow than I am today (maybe, if I could remember anything that I am reading).

Friday, February 5, 2010


Not much going on, but little Aliza has turned 9 months. Thanks for being apart of our family.

She has finally decided to crawl too.

This picture came out funny, she is still cute.