Tuesday, August 25, 2009

memory lane

Since this is a family blog I thought I would throw in a few thoughts. A couple of thing I missed from my mission in Dallas is the sunsets and rain storms, which we had both of today. Just out the door of our apartment there are superior trails, and paths. It made me reflect on the the hot muggy nights of my mission and the smells of Texas. They are very unique, it feels like you are being bathed with the smells around you. The trails are endless here which to me is one of the best things to do here. I have always enjoyed a good ride.

Another good memory is my desire to spread the gospel. It has been very easy for me to extend my hand in friendship to others. Although we are struggling to see were we fit in, in our ward. the ward seems very hands off. Oh well I've never fit in any way, I always say something brash that has set me apart anyway. Life is good.

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