Aliza turned 2 a couple of weeks ago, and my goodness does it show! She loves to mimic everything everyone does, but I am not quite sure where she learned to throw things when she doesn't get her way.
She loves going to nursery and seeing her little friends. She loves to make things work, and will spend lots of time buckling things up (and then screaming when she wants them un-buckled). She also loves clothes, and wearing as many clothes as possible. Her current record is 4 swimsuits at once.
She is still working on her words, but she has learned the important ones for being a younger sister, like "stop", "don't", "no". She has also learned words like "bubble", "wow", "thank you" and "bless you". Her favorite words are "shoes" and "let's go!" She has a very sweet personality, but no hesitation in telling us when she doesn't agree with what we are doing.
She has also started using the potty, which is very exciting! Here she is enjoying her treat after a successful attempt!
We love you Aliza!