So life is pretty much the same. I don't even know what to title this blog. I wake up at 3:00 am I go to work, dealing with the fruit of the earth who all want to be there with me too. Meanwhile Taeya gets up about 6:00 with the girls gets ready by, the basic kid stuff in the morning, while fitting in some where for her to get ready for school. Taking Amelia to her ride cuz somebody's got the car. Then she waits for me to get home about 10:00 gives me a kiss "Bye gotta go". Out the door she goes and doesn't come home until 7:00pm. While she is gone I take care of our sweet, busy children. I try my hardest to stay awake, um I do my best. Make the dinner most nights do a couple of things around the apartment. Taeya comes home I'm off to bed. It seems this same everyday except for Saturday I get to sleep in until 6:00.
So that is, That is why we haven't blogged much. It seems so boring, oh wait it is. Thankfully I got kids and they make life fun. Amelia really enjoys school, loves her friends and is the pack leader at the park. Aliza is growing fast not much talking, all thought she knows exactly what you are saying. She is wanting to use the toilet that is good and all the fun that comes with that. Ummm you know, well lets just say the little presents on the floor, and a confused little girl. For me it is fun to be there as a parent and help you child figure things out. When they figure out the process of what they are working on, that is a special time. Presents on the floor does get old.
Taeya's mother is living with us and to that I say "yep". It is good most of the time. Except for her breaking her foot. I am going to be completely honesty, That has really sucked. I don't know if capitalizing the word would have even worked. It sucks, it sucks ok moving on. I also know she hates it to. Other than that where holding the front line.
It has been nice here weather wise. Today a cold front moved in and cooled it right down. While I drove to work the outside temp gauge in my car went from 65 to 35 in twenty minutes. I have adapted to the warm and don't like it cold. It ended up being 25 today. I hope this makes sense if not I haven't been sleeping much so peace out.