Sunday, May 15, 2011

Aliza, Age 2

Aliza turned 2 a couple of weeks ago, and my goodness does it show! She loves to mimic everything everyone does, but I am not quite sure where she learned to throw things when she doesn't get her way.

She loves going to nursery and seeing her little friends. She loves to make things work, and will spend lots of time buckling things up (and then screaming when she wants them un-buckled). She also loves clothes, and wearing as many clothes as possible. Her current record is 4 swimsuits at once.

She is still working on her words, but she has learned the important ones for being a younger sister, like "stop", "don't", "no". She has also learned words like "bubble", "wow", "thank you" and "bless you". Her favorite words are "shoes" and "let's go!" She has a very sweet personality, but no hesitation in telling us when she doesn't agree with what we are doing.

She has also started using the potty, which is very exciting! Here she is enjoying her treat after a successful attempt!

We love you Aliza!


It's been a busy few months at the Howell house.

First, I cut Amelia's hair. She grew it out to 10 inches so she could donate it to locks of love. So big step by Amelia to allow her hair to get cut, and big step by mom to actually cut it! I had avoided cutting it because I didn't want to lose her curls, and unfortunately, her curls are now gone...

Next, Ameila turned 5! She had a party with a few of her friends from church and school at a jumpy place. It was a lot of fun.

This past week, Amelia learned how to ride a two-wheel bike! Her bike sat riderless for almost a year because she didn't like the training wheels (they made it "tippy"). Then, Jason decided to take the pedals off so she get her balance figured out. After two weeks, she could balance, and now she is riding it like a pro!

She has been doing such a good job being patient with herself and not freaking out when it gets a little wobbly. We are so proud of her!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Ninja

It's fast. It's sleek. It's Jason's new ride.

I think that Jason is pretty excited, and I am kind of excited that he can't drive it over 52 mph for the next couple of weeks because he has to break the engine in first. My first assignment after I finish my comprehensive exams in June is to learn how to ride...I have never been on a motorcycle before, let alone driven one, so this could get interesting.